Mind Body & Sole LLC
Medical Massage


Oncology Massage

Some of the top benefits of Oncology Massage; improved sleep and decrease in pain,  fatigue, nausea and anxiety due to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Here is some supporting research:

1. National Cancer Institute reports 97% of multiple myeloma patients received relief of at least 2 CIPN-related symptoms with regular oncology massage.

Heal Hands: Massage Therapy Can Offer Relief for CIPN Symptoms (oncnursingnews.com

2. University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center  - Including massage therapy significantly decreased anxiety, nausea, pain and fatigue among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.

Integrating Oncology Massage Into Chemo infusion Suites: A Program Evaluation / JCO Oncology Practive (ascopubs.org)

3. Massage therapy was found statistically significant in improving symptoms of pain, fatigue, anxiety, physical distress and psychological distress.

The effects of oncology massage on symptom self-report for cancer patients and their caregivers / SpringerLink

4. Bruce Hopkins of Society of Oncology Massage reports improvements with oncology patients regarding pain levels, fatigue, anxiety, depression, nausea and sleep.

OMT PalliativeCare Poster (1).pdf (oncologymassagetraining.com.au)



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