Wellness Session
Ever had a massage scheduled only to realize you are getting sick. Turn your session into a wellness session, it is a personalized around your personal needs. It may include a mix of the following but not limited to: Acupressure, Chakra work, Cranial Sacral, Essential Oils, Light Therapy, Lymphatic Work, Meridian Work (Shiatsu), Reflexology. This includes a 15 minute intake with about 45 min of light body work. Other beneficial treatments such as Ion Foot baths, Ozone Therapy, and Vitamin shots can be organized with Lori our Nurse Practitioners.
Wellness Session's are great for helping you adjust to seasonal changes, depression, beginning stages of illness, withdrawal symptoms, detoxing without the cleansing crisis, assisting with weight loss, preventative and general overall health maintenance. There is always an exception to the rule but in general wellness sessions should not interfere with medical treatments.